Celebrate Be Love Day 2024

What is BE LOVE?

BE LOVE is a growing movement of courageous acts to achieve justice, which we define based on these words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”

BE LOVE seeks to strategically define and unleash the true power of love to unite humanity, cultivate true peace, and create the Beloved Community. The movement has a three-pronged call to action:

(1) Be educated on what it means to Be Love
(2) Build inward character and outward community and
(3) Be a part of creating a more just, humane, equitable and peaceful world, using the principles and steps of Kingian Nonviolence (Nonviolence365).

Celebrate Be Love Day 2024

Be Love Day 2024

BE LOVE Day Challenges

  1.  Register or verify your voting status via headcount.com: https://www.headcount.org/verify-voter-registration/
  2.  Join the movement to stop bullying. Learn how to identify bullying and stand up to it safely: https://www.StopBullying.gov
  3.  Connect with Everytown and the organization’s plan to end #GunViolence: https://www.everytown.org/
  4. Share why and how you will commit to Be Love today and for the next 365 days – tag #TheKingCenter and #BeLoveDay.

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Puppetry Book Reading

Rethink Podcast – The Injustice of War

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The Path Forward

BE LOVE is a movement born amid the immense uncertainty and global tension of the past year, to help society answer three critical questions facing humanity:

Who must we be?

What must we do?

What are we to accomplish?

The King Center is leading the way to answer these questions.

Our work is grounded in the iconic words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who in his notable and inspirational writing Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? professed that

“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”

We can achieve the Beloved Community by studying the King Philosophy – Nonviolence365®, and working every day to put it into practice. It is not enough to learn it; we must live it.

Join us. Pledge to BE LOVE. 


People around the world are pledging to Be Love.

Join Us Around the World in Taking the Pledge


People who have taken the pledge

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Mandarin
  • Youth Pledge

I acknowledge three things:

( 1 )
The violence, oppression, inequity, injustice, and hate in our world has to stop.

( 2 )
I have a responsibility and role to play in creating social change
for a more just, humane, equitable, and peaceful world.

( 3 )
The decision is mine whether to do nothing in this moment,
or to have the courage to stand up for justice.

And I have made my decision.

Starting today, I make a personal choice to BE LOVE.

I pledge to allow love to drive my thoughts, words, decisions, and actions,
and honor the humanity of every individual.

I pledge to speak the truth to power in love.
I pledge to focus on defeating injustice and not destroying the person.
I pledge to support leaders who demonstrate a love for humanity.

I pledge to promote unity and refuse to perpetuate or magnify division.

I pledge to demonstrate a life of courage, care, and compassion
as I boldly confront anything that stands in opposition to love.

By signing this pledge, I’m helping to create what
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called
The Beloved Community.

Take the Pledge

3 Things are True:

( 1 )
Hate and unfairness in our world has to stop

( 2 )
I pledge to help make the world a better place

( 3 )
The choice is mine to do nothing or stand up for what is right

Starting today, I make the personal choice to do something and BE LOVE.

I pledge to let my words and actions show love
I pledge to treat people like they matter
I pledge to Kindly remind everyone that they should lead with love

I pledge to focus on changing the things that are wrong,
not hurting the people who are doing wrong things
I pledge to help bring people together and celebrate our differences

I pledge to be courageous and caring while acting with love
to ensure others are not being harmed
I pledge to always do and say what is right

By signing this pledge, I’m helping to create what
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called
The Beloved Community.

Reconozco tres cosas:

( 1 )
La violencia, la opresión, la inequidad, la injusticia y el odio en mi país tienen que parar.

( 2 )
Tengo una responsabilidad y un papel que desempeñar en la creación de un cambio social
por un mundo más justo, humano, equitativo y pacífico.

( 3 )
La decisión es mía si no hacer nada en este momento
o tener el valor de defender la justicia.

Y he tomado mi decisión.

A partir de hoy, tomo la decisión personal de SER AMOR.

Me comprometo a permitir que el amor guíe mis pensamientos, palabras, decisiones y acciones,
y honrar la humanidad de cada individuo.

Me comprometo a decir la verdad al poder con amor.
Me comprometo a centrarme en derrotar la injusticia y no en destruir a la persona.
Me comprometo a apoyar a los líderes que demuestran amor por la humanidad.

Me comprometo a promover la unidad y a negarme a perpetuar o magnificar la división.

Me comprometo a demostrar una vida de valor, cuidado y compasión
mientras me enfrento con valentía a todo lo que se opone al amor.

Al firmar este compromiso, estoy ayudando a crear lo que
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. llamó
La Comunidad Amada.

Je reconnais trois choses :

( 1 )

La violence, l’oppression, l’inégalité, l’injustice et la haine dans mon pays doivent cesser.

( 2 )

J’ai une responsabilité et un rôle à jouer dans la création de changements sociaux
pour un monde plus juste, plus humain, plus équitable et plus pacifique.

( 3 )

Le choix m’appartient de ne rien faire pour l’instant
ou d’avoir le courage de défendre la justice.

Et j’ai pris ma décision.

À partir d’aujourd’hui, je prends la décision personnelle d’ÊTRE AMOUR.

Je m’engage à laisser l’amour guider mes pensées, mes paroles, mes décisions et mes actions,
et d’honorer l’humanité de chaque individu.

Je m’engage à dire la vérité au pouvoir avec amour.
Je m’engage à me concentrer sur la lutte contre l’injustice et non sur la destruction de l’individu.
Je m’engage à soutenir les dirigeants qui font preuve d’amour pour l’humanité.

Je m’engage à promouvoir l’unité et je refuse de perpétuer ou d’amplifier la division.

Je m’engage à faire preuve de courage, d’attention et de compassion
tout en affrontant courageusement tout ce qui fait obstacle à l’amour.

En signant cette promesse, je contribue à créer ce en quoi je crois le
Dr Martin Luther King Jr. a appelé:

La communauté bien-aimée.

I pledge to allow love to drive my thoughts, words, decisions, and actions,

and honor the humanity of every individual.

我承诺让爱去引导我的思想,话语,决定和行为, 并且荣耀每个人的人性。

I pledge to speak the truth to power in love.


I pledge to focus on defeating injustice and not destroying the person.


I pledge to support leaders who demonstrate a love for humanity.


I pledge to promote unity and refuse to perpetuate or magnify division.


I pledge to demonstrate a life of courage, care, and compassion

as I boldly confront anything that stands in opposition to love.


By signing this pledge, I’m helping to create what

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called


The Beloved Community.


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“The guidance of Dr. King through his speeches and writings combined with the ongoing work of The King Center and their Nonviolence365 Education & Training program has resulted in my re-evaluating all systems that support my small business. From banking, to webhost, to vendors and product suppliers, I ask, “does this group support racial equality?” and “is this group actively working toward dismantling systemic racism?” I believe growing my business this way is vital toward building the beloved community.”

“The BE LOVE virtual series allows you to think outside the box. It teaches you how to strategize new and inventive ways of problem-solving without the use of hate, violence, and mayhem. This series offers peaceful, responsible, and effective methods for attaining your goals and handling threatening situations. The BE LOVE virtual series is building community leaders and allowing you to be the change you want to see.”

“As a tour guide and advocate for Love in Montgomery, Alabama, I took the BE LOVE-March Series and I was truly inspired by the 3 Day in-depth presentations by the dynamic team of 4 Facilitators, Dr. Vonetta L. West, Dr. Elizabeth Rosner, Mrs. Lili Baxter, and Mr. Charles Alphin.

Each evening’s session spoke to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King’s principles and teachings of creating The Beloved Community, which they believed must operate together with Power, Love and Justice, by REDEFINING LOVE, REVOLUTIONARY LOVE, and RECONCILIATORY LOVE.

I will continue to share this message of LOVE and highly recommend this course!

Thank you!”

“I am so thankful to have attended the inspiring BE LOVE sessions. In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed how the King Center’s teachings on nonviolence have been guiding lights in peacebuilding and social justice in many cultures and key moments in history. Today, the dream is an ever timely, relevant and powerful source of hope for me as I look for ways to be part of meaningful steps toward building a better world–in big groups and small, in my work life as a teacher, and in my personal journey.”

“Thanks to you all for your inspiring work, and PEACE* to everyone from Vancouver!”
*(“not just the absence of tension but the presence of justice”)

“All the best to you from Vancouver, BC, Canada”

“The Be Love movement inspired me to reexamine how I define and apply love in my life. I’ve told so many people about this conference and feel a fire ignited within me to do Be Love as I live this out as a director on m campus. I choose to Be Love and I hope you will too.”

“We were inspired and transformed by the Be Love virtual series we attended. The teachings gave words to so much of what we were already feeling, but also taught us new truths we hadn’t considered before. We will be taking the principles and infusing them into our music, our concerts and our message. It’s time to Be Love and we’re in it for the long haul!”

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