Entries by devteam

Why Water Justice Matters

We are experiencing a global water crisis. Though 70% of our planet is covered in water, only an estimated 3% of it is drinkable for humans. This harsh reality, in […]

Calling for Cease-fire in Israel-Gaza Strip

The King Center calls on our national and global leaders to recognize that a cease-fire and peaceful resolution form the only pathway to prevent the killing of more Israeli and […]

The King Center Mourns the Loss of Dr. Christine King Farris

For Immediate Release DATE: 6/29/2023 Media Contacts: Momina Bryant Aimedra Kelley Cell: 404-437-1206 Cell: 678-472-5099 Email: mbryant@thekingcenter.org Email: aimedra.kelley@gmail.com The King Center Mourns the Loss of Dr. Christine King Farris, […]